Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Book Three: Part 13

Many things have occurred since my upsetting story. Charles and Lucie are still happy. They had an amazingly beautiful baby girl after their happy marriage. But things have gone downhill since their happy moment. Charles was taken away again and now is in prison waiting for the execution that will be happening very soon. But if you don’t remember, I had informed Lucie that I would do anything to protect her and make sure she is always happy, even give up my one and only life. I promised her I would always be there for her and will try my best to keep things going the way they should be. I had to figure something to do then to prove to Lucie I would keep my promise. The children love Charles and so does Lucie very much. I don’t want her living through that pain of her having to lose her husband so fast. I have come up with the plan to switch places with Charles switching clothing and sitting in jail until it comes down to his execution, I then will be the one being executed. This may sound difficult to get away with but I must attempt at this challenge in order to prove to Lucie that I can hold a promise and that I really truly love her.

Book Two: Part 13

It has been a long time since Charles trial. But i will never forget this news i was told. Charles had a deep love for Lucie and Stryver was going to marry her. I was in shock because i had convince myself that Lucie is the one that will fill the other half of my heart and be the girl to fall back into my arms and trust me forever and be my first girl of my dreams and my last. Hearing such news brought me to an emotional feeling a have really never felt. To take such pain away I decided to... drink! Once the emotions had lowered a bit and I began to feel the alcohol in my system, I became brave enough to have a word with Lucie. I poured my guts out to her and let her know that I would do anything for her and if it isn’t me who she wants i will do anything to keep her happy, even give my one and only life up. This came from the heart and I meant every word I had said to the beautiful girl. I wouldn’t dare live if Lucie wasn’t happy. Even if she wasn’t apart of my life, I still would feel as if there is no reason to live at all. However Lucie's father let the news out later that night that he did not want Stryver to propose to his daughter, that news had really brought joy but it was a bit late. I am now seeing the connection between Charles and Lucie, it seems nice and they seem in love, but it just reminded me of my heart break over her. I will just have to keeping showing my love and continue to remind Lucie I will always love her and be here for her.

Book Two: Part 5

Ater my everyday cycle, as in tavern.. tavern .. and more tavern. I decided to leave and head over to Charles lawyers house, Mr. Stryver. As soon as i arrived at his home we began a nice conversation, but some how it all turned into talking about how i was younger and that i never knew what directions i was going to tak e in life, i had no set goals and i am know to be a hand full of ups and downs... the funny thing is he believes that it has never changed and never will change. This caused me to become very angry but i must admit i held back pretty well. I highly disagree with this statement of his, but surprising enough i did not FREAK OUT! Yes surprise i know, its a step up. Anyways there is more, He then began asking alot of questions and i felt as if he was hinting something but I couldnt put my finger on it. I then realized a lot of the questions asked related to lucie and my love for her, I then stopped. he was trying to dig and dig to get something out of me. And thats then, when I decided not to answer any further. 

Book Two: Part 3-4

Today the court was accusing Charles Darney of giving English secrets to the French. Charles had been being proven guilty, even though this was an "interesting" case I was still extremely bored and the wall began to move in weird ways from starring so long at it. With me not noticing at first Charles lawyer had began to notice how much me and Charles look alike. Once this came across my attention, the trial began to be a lot more interesting. I then had notice this case really could be made out of something and I could become an important role in it. Even being under the influence, DRUNK, i still had a great mind. And then I began to care. The case went on and before my drunken eyes and ears Mr. Stryver was talking about me, me! He was bringing up how me and Charles could look so much alike but be two totally complete different people inside. The court began to think and think and this lead them to be very confused. At this point the court had no proof that it had been Charles as the spy. Charles was then acquitted. It didn’t just make the court realize something but it made me realize that I was actually happy for Charles and without me he would have been proven guilty. A few seconds went by and I began to forget about how I cared because again i began to think about how nobody really cares about me. Even though my caring went down for Charles, I still went out with him and grabbed some drinks to celebrate the great news. And this is how our conversation started about our feelings towards the ones who have a major part in our lives.