Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Book Three: Part 13

Many things have occurred since my upsetting story. Charles and Lucie are still happy. They had an amazingly beautiful baby girl after their happy marriage. But things have gone downhill since their happy moment. Charles was taken away again and now is in prison waiting for the execution that will be happening very soon. But if you don’t remember, I had informed Lucie that I would do anything to protect her and make sure she is always happy, even give up my one and only life. I promised her I would always be there for her and will try my best to keep things going the way they should be. I had to figure something to do then to prove to Lucie I would keep my promise. The children love Charles and so does Lucie very much. I don’t want her living through that pain of her having to lose her husband so fast. I have come up with the plan to switch places with Charles switching clothing and sitting in jail until it comes down to his execution, I then will be the one being executed. This may sound difficult to get away with but I must attempt at this challenge in order to prove to Lucie that I can hold a promise and that I really truly love her.

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